National and global sustainability crises, such as climate change, nitrogen, and – recently – biodiversity, are receiving widespread public attention. However, the fact that these issues urgently require several interrelated social transitions still gets much less attention. Although there is expertise across the various sub-disciplines, the multiple dimensions and complexities of sustainability make it difficult for many citizens, businesses, and policymakers to grasp, and it’s easy to run away from the necessary changes.

In this report, DenkWerk builds on existing deep expertise and demonstrates the urgency across the board surrounding impact categories, goals, transitions, and measures. The recent coalition agreement allocates EUR sixty billion to addressing climate change and the nitrogen crisis. This report argues that the spending outlined in the agreement should address a broader perspective than just reducing tons of CO₂ or nitrogen.

Download the whole report here (in Dutch): Voorbij netto-nul naar planeet-positief
Source: DenkWerk