Huibert Vigeveno of Shell on Purposeful Leadership

NextGen is an extended series of events on transformation themes, initiated by KPMG with the RAAD Board Program and Dutch Transformation Forum.

We gather with a group of 30 emerging leaders, who have the potential to develop to top management roles. We zoom in on themes like geopolitics, sustainability, digitalization, and the social side of transformation. During the events, we organize a dialogue on key challenges, opportunities, and the role of leadership.

The first meeting of 2022 was hosted by Huibert Vigeveno, Member of the Executive Committee and Downstream Director at Shell, and Jeanine Bakx, General Manager Mobility Benelux and France at Shell.

Keynote speakers and contributors

Moderators: Frank Hartmann, Professor of Accounting at Radboud University, and Aniek Moonen, Chair of the Jonge Klimaatbeweging (Youth Climate Movement).

Speakers: Haroon Sheikh, Senior Scientist at the WRR and Professor of Strategic Governance of Global Technologies at VU Amsterdam
Huibert Vigeveno, Member of the Executive Committee and Downstream Director at Shell

Location: Shell Campus, The Hague

Key takeaways

  • The convergence and acceleration of change have led to a unique era of geopolitical, technological, and socio-cultural transformation.
  • “Emerging superpowers often find themselves on a collision course with the current hegemonic superpower. Those who cannot be world powers, such as Russia and Turkey, seek to gain regional influence.”
  • “The greatest threat to our democracy does not come from Russia but from polarization in society.”
  • “We need to place the Netherlands in the bigger picture of world stage developments again, for too long we have been too focused on ourselves.”
  • “Think of the energy transition as carpe diem – as an opportunity for society and business together. In doing so, think and act backwards from society and the customer.”
  • “Leadership is about trust and empowering people, not about leaning on technical knowledge.”
  • “NextGen: It’s your time now. You can make a difference now. In the upcoming decades, you can have a huge impact.”

For all our events attendance is by invitation only. The extended report is therefor solely shared with attendees. Would you like to get in touch or are you interested in more information? Please contact Lenne Michiels: